“La Teja” Tanker Berth

On the North side of the bay, the State Oil Company A.N.C.A.P., has a basin for the discharge of tankers arriving with oil to their consignment. In 2011, cargo movement amounted to 990.700 tons oil and by-products.
This basin is known as the “Darsena de Inflamables”, and has one berth for tankers on the northern side with 8,50 m at datum, depending on basin and channel subject to periodical dredge, and for liquid gas carriers on the southern side, (6.70 m) FW, while on the western or land side there is a berth for coastal vessels, with a depth of about 3,65 m. Width of the basin here is 147 m, which is the same as the entrance, whilst the southern berth is 248,75 m long. At the northern berth the jetty protrudes 34 meters, and is 96 m long. Vessels berth bow in, and on sailing turn immediately outside the basin, on drafts of up to 6,70 m. Above this draft, the turning maneuver becomes difficult for vessel and tugs.
The berth has separate lines for fuel oil and distillates.
Crude intake, 12´´, 105 lb/sqin, 900 cbm/h.
Fuel oil, 8´´, pumping rate of 300 cbm/h at temperatures between 40 and 70º C.
Diesel, gas oil and kerosene, 8´´ and 12´´ intakes, pumping rate 300 cbm/h. per hour.
Naphthas, 8´´ and 12´´intakes. Luboils, 6´´ lines, 150 cbm/h.
Alcohol, 6´´ intake. There is no gas line on the northern berth.
Steam and electricity supply available.
At the southern berth the oil lines are identical, except for luboils and alcohol, and there is also a 6´´ connection for loading or discharging LPG, at a rate of 200 cbm/h.
There are no cranes at this berth. Electricity supply available. The western berth has the same installations except for LPG, luboils and alcohol.
Steam supply available.
There are 2´´ water lines at each berth, delivery rate about 12 cbm/h. Use of two tugs is essential for berthing or unberthing. At the northern berth, vessels fully loaded often ground up to 15 meters out from the quay, owing to the accumulation of mud, and gradually close in to the berth as the vessel lightens.
Access gangways are placed by ANCAP.
All these berths are exposed to southerly gales, and at times it is necessary to interrupt discharge. A channel with 3 lighted and one unlighted has been dredged from the Anteport across the bay to this basin.
Depth of the channel is stated to be 9.00 m at datum, but vessels drawing over 8,00 m usually have to force their way in by sheer engine power, dragging along the bottom, particularly in the 800 m immediately North from the 95º turn near the inner breakwater (Dique de Cintura). There is, in fact, a narrow channel dredged out by the constant passage of ships.